16th February 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a busy half-term we have had despite all the nasty winter bugs going around! Just this week alone we have enjoyed a Valentine’s disco and a dodgeball day! Our grateful thanks to the PTA for arranging the disco and for their ongoing support.
Stay and Read
Thank you for your ongoing support at these sessions. They will continue after the holidays at 2.55pm.
Tuesday 27th February | Year 2 |
Tuesday 5th March | Reception |
Tuesday 12th March | None due to parent’s evening |
Tuesday 19th March | Year 1 |
Tuesday 26th March | Year 2 |
Parents’ Evening
There will be another opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher and look at your child’s work. These will be held on Monday 11th March and Tuesday 12th March. Boking information will be sent home after the holidays.
World Book Day
It is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. Children can come to school dressed as their favourite storybook character, in their pyjamas for a bedtime story or non-uniform. There are fun book themed activities planned in school for the day.
Can we politely request that all P.E. kits are returned after the holidays. We often have sporting activites alongside our P.E. sessions. Please remember, for health and safety, all
jewellery will be removed including stud ear-rings. If children with longer hair could please send in a bobble we can tie back hair. Thank you in advance.
Dates for Your Diary
Date | Time | Event | Whom |
Friday 16th February | 3.15pm | School closes for half term | Whole School |
Monday 26th February | 8.45am | School re-opens | Whole School |
Wednesday 28th February | am | Yoga in school | Year 1 and 2 |
Tuesday 5th March | pm | Bearhunt Sporting Event | Little and Elf Owls |
Wednesday 6th March | am | Yoga in school | Year 1 and 2 |
Thursday 7th March | During school day | World Book Day | Whole School |
Thursday 7th March | am | Invasion Games | Hawk Owls |
Monday 11th March | After school | Parent’s Evening | Whole Schol |
Tuesday 12th March | After school | Parent’s Evening | Whole Schol |
Wednesday 13th March | am | Yoga in school | Year 1 and 2 |
Friday 15th March | During school day | Red Nose Day | Whole School |
Friday 15th March | During school day | Raby Castle Trip | Year 2 |
Wednesday 20th March | am | Yoga in school | Year 1 and 2 |
Wednesday 27th March | am | Yoga in school | Year 1 and 2 |
Thursday 28th March | 3.15pm | School closes for Easter Holidays | Whole School |
Monday 15th April | 8.45am | School re-opens | Whole School |
The children and staff have worked very hard this half-term and I hope you all enjoy a restful week.
Best Wishes,
Mrs L. Frazer