All of our children are split in to one of our four house teams England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland.
Each of our house teams have a mix of children from different classes and different year groups.
Children can earn house points, worth 1 point, for a range of reasons. A positive attitude to learning, making good choices, being kind to others and many more. The children follow the ‘School Mission’ which they helped create at the beginning of the year. Following these may earn them house points. Children who receive a house point will place them in their corresponding house token collector located in the school hall.
Children can also earn a special orange token that is worth 10 points. This can be earned for going above and beyond and doing something extra special.
In Thursday afternoon assembly the house points are tallied and the weekly winner is announced. The winning house will receive 5 minutes of extra playtime. The house that wins the most times across the half-term will earn a special reward that they can help choose.
We also hold half-termly house assemblies, held by their house teachers. Doing this gives our children a chance to mix with their peers and create relationships with other children in school.