Parent Governor Election

Dear Parents and Carers

We have two vacancies for parent governor which we need to fill.  Parent governors are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending our school.  They serve a four-year term of office and bring a very important and valued perspective to the work of the governing board.

We expect a governor to be committed to regular attendance at, and contribution to, governing body meetings and associated committees. At Newton Hall Infants’, we currently hold 3 full governing body meetings each year, which are usually on a Tuesday at 5pm, and last for approximately two hours.  All meetings are usually held at the school and dates are set on an annual cycle. Each governor also serves as a member of one of the Governing Body committees (Finance and Premises and Curriculum and Standards).  Committees meet once each term.  

All governors are encouraged to play a strategic role. In order to fulfil these responsibilities, all governors are invited to become monitoring link governors linked to a subject or an area of school improvement and meet with school staff so that they can provide the governing body additional feedback.

The governing board has a vital role to play in making sure every child receives the best possible education. This is achieved by ensuring that governors have the necessary skills and commitment to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.  The particular skills that governing boards need will vary and will include personal qualities and capabilities, such as the capacity and willingness to learn and work as part of a team.  It is expected that governors will make use of the various training opportunities available to them and play a full part in the work of the governing board.

If you are interested in becoming a governor, contact the school office with your nomination (self-nomination is acceptable), which will need to be with the school by 12.00 noon on Friday 19th April 2024. It should be sealed in an envelope marked ‘Nomination for Parent Governor’ and may be delivered by hand or sent with your child to the school. Electronic nominations can be returned to Nomination forms are available at the school office or are downloadable via the link below.

If there are more nominations than vacancies, a ballot will be held and you will be sent a voting paper.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. L. Frazer


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