Newton Hall Infants’ School is fortunate to have a very active and enthusiastic PTA.
The PTA exists to enrich and broaden our children’s education by providing stimulating and exciting facilities and equipment over and above those provided by the school.
Since it began, the PTA has provided resources including computer and camera equipment, T.V’s and videos, storage boxes, carpeting, books and equipment for the new library, globes / atlases, resources for Literacy, sand and water trays, hi-fi equipment, digital cameras, music trolleys, a stage, new library furniture and computers, outdoor play equipment and Christmas presents for the children.
Raising the necessary funds has brought together parents, teachers and friends in a common aim, and through hard work, fun and team spirit, we raise significant funds yearly.
All parents, guardians and teachers are automatically members of the PTA and are most welcome at our regular social events which have included coffee mornings, fashion shows and Christmas and summer fairs.
Each half term we meet at school to discuss and organise our fund raising events and decide what added extras we should buy for our children.
Please come along, get involved, and join the fun! See the school notice board for details.
The PTA also have a Facebook page at Newton Hall Infants Facebook